Ponoka Professional Pharmacy
    Jamil Rawji
    5011 48 Ave
    Ponoka , Ab T4J 1J3
    Health Care
    MEMBER, Local Chamber of Commerce
    Who We Are

    Pharmacist Jamil Rawji has been providing exemplary Pharmaceutical Care since 2001, winning various awards in the past including “Pharmacist of the Year”

    We pride ourselves

    • at having little or no wait times. 
    • we are consistent and knowledgeable pharmacists
    • quick reliable accurate and dependable service
    • friendly helpful and knowledgeable staff

    Making you feel at home in our Pharmacy. We are knowledgeable, caring and understanding pharmacists who know how important health is to you and your family.

    'Learn something new' - Ponoka Professional Pharmacy - PonokaLive
    We Are Open
    1/13/2025 - 1/19/2025
    Monday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    Tuesday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    Wednesday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    Friday 9:00 AM - 5:30 PM
    Saturday CLOSED - CLOSED
    Sunday CLOSED - CLOSED
    After Hours:
    We have an after hours number that it is available until 9:00 PM on weekdays and until 6:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday.
    Travel Vaccination
    Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B vaccines are readily available at our pharmacy to ensure your winter vacation is enjoyable. Prevention before you go is essential. Let us help you plan for a healthy holiday.
    Compliance packaging
    Blister packs and Dossett.
    Flu Vaccinations
    Fully certified and experienced Pharmacists readily available to offer immunization against the flu. Hundreds of people end up in the hospital unnecessarily due to the lack of immunization...let us help you stay out of the hospital!
    Medication Reviews
    This is an opportunity to have a Pharmacist review your current medications and make recommendations for more effective treatments or offer help to come off some unnecessary medications. This process will allow you to minimize side effects from your medication and potentially decrease the chance of a fall or hospital visit. The cost of this service is paid for by the Alberta Government so it is at no cost to those patients who qualify.
    Private and Semi-private Consultations
    Shingles Vaccination
    This vaccination will help prevent the painful nerve condition of Shingles. Even if you have had shingles, being vaccinated will not only decrease the chance of getting the disease but shorten the duration and severity of the condition should you be exposed.
    Smoking Cessation Support
    Not only do we carry a full line of smoking cessation products to help you quit smoking, we offer counselling services and weekly follow ups to ensure you are successful in quitting.
    Walkers and Electric Scooters
    January Reminder
    Ponoka Professional Pharmacy - Ponoka
    Immunity Booster - Exclusive immunity booster available at Ponoka Professional Pharmacy to increase your ability to ward off colds and illness! Stay on top of your game and feel well!
    We are certified and experienced Pharmacists that ensure you are immunized adequately.
    Trying to quit smoking? We can help. Ask our staff about the latest tools and programs.
    Local Business Quote
    What I love about my role in Pharmacy is the ability to not only help people, but make a positive impact on their health with successful recommendations. We strive for our motto ‘Promoting Your Health’(TM)
    -- Jamil Rawji - Ponoka Professional Pharmacy
    Business Keywords
    Bed Rail
    Wheel Chair
    Local Business Community
    'Online Business Network'
    Local Business Community
    'Online Business Network'